The Lab
The challenge
Many elderly feel unsafe alone, and carers hesitate to leave them. We need a solution for automated health monitoring and movement analysis.
The problem we are facing
Many older people feel unsafe in their homes because they are alone. In addition, carers often feel uncomfortable leaving them there.
Although it is currently possible to provide people in need of care with a home emergency call, they must be able to press a button themselves, which can have fatal consequences if they are no longer responsive. Carers do not have the opportunity to monitor the state of health if they are not present themselves. In addition, carers do not have the opportunity to carry out automated movement analyses and thus perform a gait analysis.
What kind of solution is needed?
We need a system that enables us to recognise falls without the person having to make an emergency call themselves, this must happen automatically. We also need to relieve the burden on care staff by analysing movement data, which is important for deriving suitable care measures to prevent falls. We also need a data protection-compliant solution that helps us to recognise whether the person in need of care is well and whether they are present. Solutions that can ensure that safety at home is guaranteed can help a great deal. For example: fall monitoring, room monitoring, establishing a connection to the outside world.