Why mistakes in public speaking are not the end of the world

January 14, 2025

As a founder, you are often in a situation where you have to present your company - be it to investors, partners or your team. And quite honestly: Public Speaking can be nerve-wracking, especially when a mistake creeps in and you get annoyed. Maybe you've made a mistake or lost your train of thought for a moment. But here's the good news: Your audience won't even notice most of the mistakes.

Mistakes seem bigger to you than to your audience

Imagine you are standing in front of a high wall that symbolises your mistake. For you, standing right in front of it, it seems gigantic. You can see every detail, every gap, every unevenness and you can hardly detach yourself from it. But for your audience sitting further away, this wall is comparatively tiny - they often don't notice it at all. What looks like a huge obstacle to you is just a small irregularity to others.

In fact, your audience will usually only notice mistakes about 10 % as intensely true as you are. They concentrate much more on the big picture, not on the little mishaps. This means that a small stumble is much more significant for you than it will ever be for your audience.

Public speaking mistakes seem so big to you, but they are only a small thing for the audience

Why nervousness is normal when public speaking - and how to overcome it

For many founders Nervousness before public appearances. After all, a lot often depends on it: the next big customer, a strategic partner or potential financing. But nervousness can get in the way - and that's precisely why it's so important to find a clear way of dealing with it.


Here are Four tipshow to get your nervousness under control and master mistakes with confidence:


 1. Accept mistakes as part of the process

Nobody expects you to be perfect - not even your audience. Mistakes make you human and approachable. If you stumble once, take it as an opportunity to learn from it and simply carry on.

2. Preparation is everything

Practice creates self-confidence. Prepare your presentation thoroughly, visualise the process and practise in front of friends or colleagues. They can give you valuable feedback before you take to the big stage.

You are also welcome to take part in our Open Pitch and receive free, professional pitch feedback!

3. concentrate on your message

Instead of fixating on a mistake, focus on what you want to convey. Your audience will be less interested in small glitches and more interested in the vision you are presenting.

4. use stress management techniques

Breathing exercises or short mental breaks can help to reduce nervousness. Deep breathing relaxes you and brings you back into the moment.

Public speaking as a key competence for start-ups

Especially in the start-up phase, the ability to present ideas convincingly is crucial. Whether in a pitch in front of investors, in discussions with customers or at team meetings - your communication can make or break the success of your company.

And yes: mistakes and nervousness are part of it. However, how you deal with them is crucial. Use these moments to grow and improve your skills. Practice not only makes your pitch better, it also makes you more confident.

The open pitch: a stage for founders

How do you get better at presenting? Through practice! This is exactly what the Open Pitch of the innoWerft. Here you have the opportunity to present your business idea to an audience, receive feedback and gain valuable experience. The speciality: The Open Pitch is not only an opportunity to learn, but also your chance to get funding!


Why you should take part in the Open Pitch?

    • Realistic conditions: Test your skills in a setting that resembles real investor pitches.
    • Honest feedback: Our team will give you helpful tips to improve your presentation and your business model.
    • Financing opportunityIf you convince us with your idea, you have the chance to win one of our innoWerft investments.

Mistakes are also part of this - and that is precisely why the Open Pitch a valuable opportunity to become better. Use this framework to further develop yourself and your business model!

Made a mistake? No problem - just keep going!

Whether it's a pitch, a presentation or a team meeting: mistakes happen. The key is not to fear them, but to see them as an opportunity. Learn from them, stay authentic and focus on what really matters - your message and the passion for your idea.


If you would like to improve your pitch and presentation skills, register now for the Open Pitch of the innoWerft on. Get started, learn and show us what your start-up is made of!