The labyrinth of innovation: the path of a start-up

January 23, 2025
A labyrinth through which a startup must pass

Founding and managing a start-up is like an adventure through a labyrinth - a complex endeavour characterised by numerous crossroads, dead ends and unexpected turns. Each phase of this process harbours specific challenges, but also opportunities. The key to success is a combination of courage, a willingness to learn and a carefully balanced strategy. Perfection is not necessary, as it is often feedback and practice that make the decisive difference.

1. the first steps: finding your bearings

The journey begins with the following procedure:


    • Validate idea and develop prototypeMake sure that your solution solves a real problem and is technically feasible.
    • Find a co-founderFind co-founders who share your vision and complement your skills.
    • Choose legal formChoose a structure that allows for flexibility and growth.
    • Set priorities: Which tasks will get you ahead the fastest? Focus is crucial.

2. creating the basis: building structure

After the orientation phase, the foundations are laid:


    • Use networksContacts and resources can open doors that would otherwise remain closed.
    • Secure financingWhether bootstrapping, angel investors or venture capital - the right financing is essential.
    • Development of a first marketable version of the product
    • Carrying out a market test to collect feedback to optimise the solution

3. generate growth: Conquering the market: The next milestone is scaling:

    • Build up salesIt is essential to reach the target group with effective strategies and channels.
    • Integrate market feedbackOptimise your product based on real user experiences.
    • Expand teamRecruit talent to drive your vision.
    • Brand developmentCreate trust and awareness in your target group.

4. scaling and establishment: long-term growth

The focus is now on sustainable success:


    • Optimise processesEfficient structures make you scalable.
    • Expand partnershipsStrong co-operations can accelerate your growth.
    • Tapping into new marketsThink about internationalisation to reach additional target groups.
    • Further develop the productContinuous innovation is essential in order to remain competitive.

At InnoWerft, we have already accompanied numerous start-ups on this journey. We are aware of the challenges that each step entails and support you in reaching the next milestone.

With our Open Pitch we offer you the opportunity to present your vision, receive valuable feedback and network with experts. Sounds good?