Digitalisation in production with aucobo and WITTENSTEIN
The WITTENSTEIN SE, a renowned manufacturer of mechatronic drive systemsand the Stuttgart start-up aucobo implement together an adaptive and flexible fault management tool for the assembly area. It optimiset the communication on the shop floor and increaset thereby the Totalfficiency the production clear.
Through intelligents Fault management to more Efficiency in production
Machine malfunction on the conveyor belt, Standstilld threatensand now? Who informs whomwho does what nowso that the faultsris remedied?
WITTENSTEIN haste dhe Communication in the event of disruptions on the shop floor as Challengesrrecognised: Optimiseat this point would productivity in assembly increase significantly. So the company initially initiated a internal Pilot project. Technical and oOrganisational measures should ensure the smoothest possible communication on the shop floor. The added value of the pilot project is convincingte. However, the question now arose as to the Scalingavailability. And here kon aucobo into play...
The use from aucobos intelligenter Shop floor organisation solution enables it WITTENSTEIN to make communication and processes in production more efficient and increase productivity. Thanks to the device-independence of the aucobo software, production employees can now send messages directly to the right people on the move. In addition, data is collected that serves as the basis for new optimisation approaches. Thanks to digital fault management become Disruptive factors identified and communicated more quickly, error costs and therefore manufacturing costs become reduced.
With the aucobo system, cycle times can be almost halved and production times can be minimised.efficiency (OEE) can be increased by up to one percentage point.
5 Innovation Hacks from aucobo and WITTENSTEIN
This project demonstrates the enormous potential offered by collaboration between industrial companies and start-ups. Mit this 5 innovation hacks were WITTENSTEIN and aucobo so successful.
1. create bridging functions
With the Digitalisation centre, WITTENSTEIN SE has ae Central interface between all divisions created. Central digitalisation management makes it possible to realise projects and initiatives and at the same time not lose sight of the big picture.
2. short cycles set
Shortest possible time periods for prototypes or Sub-projects work have a positive effect on the Motivation and Productivity of those involved. Through dhe setting of milestones can also be Progresse simpler Recogniseen. Nevertheless should Periods always be chosen realistically.
3. continuous Obtain feedback
During the realisation of thes Fault management tools were the Production employees at WITTENSTEIN especially in focusus. As end users, their acceptance was crucial to the success of the project. The solution must solve their pain points and in particular simple and be easy to use. For this reason end users should always be involved in the digitalisation process right from the start.
4. openness preserve
aucobos Software was originally for the use on Smartwatches developed. With the Project with WITTENSTEIN turned out however found out that the use of a smartphone Users on the shop floor mmore benefits. It is therefore worth keeping an eye on other possible solutions.
5. tell success stories
Digital transformation is a long journey and every successfully completed project is another step forward. Tuee eindividual successes offer Inspiration for further Projectsmotivate the employees and generate so in a certain way a Innovation Momentum. This workst but only if the success stories are also told. And if these are backed up with concrete figures can be underpinned, then all the better!
"Do digitalisation!" is a joint initiative of innoWerft and within the framework of the digital hub kurpfalz@bw with the support of the Federal Associations Medium-sized economy (BVMW). As part of the first event, our Business Development Manager Maren Osterlitz spoke to Nicolas Walk, Smart Factory Project Manager at the Digitalisation Center of the WITTENSTEIN Groupand Michael Reutter, co-founder of aucoboabout successful digitalisation in production.
Have we aroused your interest? If you would like to learn more about the possibilities of innovation partnerships between industrial companies and start-ups, please contact us at